Pay Your Bill
Mail Check Payments
Checks should be made out to the:
Kalamazoo Lake Sewer and Water Authority
Mailed to:
P.O. Box 8311
Carol Stream, IL 60197-8311
Pay your water utility bill online. Sign-in or Register to view water utility bill history.
Paperless Billing & Auto Debit
Sign up for paperless billing and automatic debit for a hassle-free experience. Download Auto Debit Form or call us at 269-857-2709 to request a mailed copy.
Complete and return the form via email, mail, or fax:
Fax: 1-269-857-1565
Mail: P.O. Box 789, Saugatuck, MI 49453
You can also stop by our office to fill out the form in person:
Address: 6449 Old Allegan Road, Saugatuck, MI 49453
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET
Billing Information
Billing Cycles
Bills are issued on a monthly basis.
Payment Due Dates
Auto debits are processed on the first business day of each month.
Payment Methods
We accept payments via check (through mail) or through automatic debit from checking accounts. Credit or debit cards, and savings accounts, are not eligible for auto debit at this time.
Paperless Billing and Auto Debit
If you’re already enrolled in auto debit, complete the top portion of the auto debit form, select “Paperless,” provide your email address, and note that you’re already enrolled in auto debit. Return the form, and we’ll ensure your bills are emailed to you.

Important Notes
New Requests
Please submit any new auto debit requests by the 25th of the month for processing.
Multiple Accounts
If you manage more than one account, you can list them all on one form.
Property Owner Change
Contact the office to schedule a final read if the property owner is changing.